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Hammer Film Productions

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Hammer Film Productions
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Hammer Film Productions Erresuma Batuko zinema ekoiztetxe bat da.

1934ean beldurrezko zinemaren zaletu eta jarraitzaileentzat ekoiztetze mitikoa eta ospetsua den enpresa hau sortu zen. 1955 eta 1979 bitartean urrezko aro bat izan zuen, garai honetan zehar gerora kultuzko filma bilakatu izan diren beldurrezko filma ugari ekoiztu baizituen, filma andana honetako fikziozko pertsonaien artean Drakula, Frankenstein, Momia edota Quatermass doktorea zeuden. Urrezko aro honen ikur nagusiak Christopher Lee (Drakula) eta Peter Cushing (Van Helsing doktorea) izan ziren.

2010ean Hammer Film Productions ekoiztetxeak filma gehiago ekoiztu behar zituela iragarri zuen. Horien artean oraingoz Let Me In (2010) eta The Woman in Black (2012) daude, azken filma horretako antzezle nagusia Daniel Radcliffe aktore ospetsua delarik.

Zuzendari nabarmenenak

[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]

1930eko hamarkada

[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]
  • Polly's Two Fathers (1935)
  • The Public Life of Henry The Ninth (1935)
  • Mystery of the Mary Celeste (1936)
  • The Bank Messenger Mystery (1936)
  • The Song of Freedom (1936)
  • Sporting Love (1937)

1940ko hamarkada

[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]
  • Candy's Calendar (1946)
  • Cornish Holiday (1946)
  • Crime Reporter (1946))
  • Old Father Thames (1946)
  • Bred to Stay (1947)
  • Death in High Heels (1947)
  • Material Evidence (1947)
  • Skiffy Goes to Sea (1947)
  • We Do Believe in Ghosts (1947)
  • Dick Barton, Special Agent (1948)
  • It's a Dog's Life (1948)
  • River Patrol (1948)
  • Tale of a City (1948)
  • The Dark Road (1948)
  • Who Killed Van Loon? (1948)
  • Celia (1949)
  • Dick Barton Strikes Back (1949)
  • Doctor Morelle - The Case Of The Missing Heiress (1949)
  • Fight For Life (1949)
  • Fight To The Finish (1949)
  • Foiled Again! (1949)
  • Jack of Diamonds (1949)
  • Plan for Revenge (1949)
  • Sudden Death (1949)
  • The Adventures of Dick Barton (1949)
  • The Fiendish Experiment (1949)
  • The Poison Dart (1949)
  • The Smugglers' Cove (1949)
  • The Tower of Terror (1949)
  • The Wail of Fear (1949)
  • The World at Stake (1949)
  • Trapped in the Snake House (1949)
  • Yellow Peril (1949)

1950eko hamarkada

[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]
  • Dick Barton at Bay (1950)
  • Meet Simon Cherry (1950)
  • Monkey Manners (1950)
  • Room to Let (1950)
  • Someone at the Door (1950)
  • The Adventures of P.C. 49 (1950)
  • The Lady Craved Excitement (1950)
  • The Man in Black (1950)
  • What the Butler Saw (1950)
  • Yoga and You (1950)
  • A Case for P.C. 49 (1951)
  • Chase Me, Charlie! (1951)
  • Cloudburst (1951)
  • Keep Fit with Yoga (1951)
  • The Black Widow (1951)
  • The Dark Light (1951)
  • The Rossiter Case (1951)
  • The Village of Bray (1951)
  • To Have and to Hold (1951)
  • Yoga and the Average Man (1951)
  • Death of an Angel (1952)
  • Never Look Back (1952)
  • Queer Fish (1952)
  • Stolen Face (1952)
  • The Lady in the Fog (1952)
  • The Last Page (1952)
  • Whispering Smith Hits London (1952)
  • Wings of Danger (1952)
  • Four Sided Triangle (1953)
  • Mantrap (1953)
  • River Ships (1953)
  • Sky Traders (1953)
  • Spaceways (1953)
  • The Flanagan Boy (1953)
  • The Gambler and the Lady (1953)
  • The Saint's Return (1953)
  • Blood Orange (1954)
  • Face the Music (1954)
  • Five Days (1954)
  • Life with the Lyons (1954)
  • Mask of Dust (1954)
  • Men of Sherwood Forest (1954)
  • The House Across the Lake (1954)
  • The Mirror and Markheim (1954)
  • The Stranger Came Home (1954)
  • Thirty-six Hours (1954)
  • A Body Like Mine (1955)
  • Break in the Circle (1955)
  • Cyril Stapleton & His Showband (1955)
  • Murder by Proxy (1955)
  • The Quatermass Xperiment (1955)
  • The Eric Winstone Band Show (1955)
  • The Glass Cage (1955)
  • The Lyons in Paris (1955)
  • The Noble Art (1955)
  • The Right Person (1955)
  • Third-party Risk (1955)
  • A Man on the Beach (1956)
  • An Idea for Ben (1956)
  • Barbara's Boyfriend (1956)
  • Chaos in the Rockery (1956)
  • Copenhagen (1956)
  • Dick Turpin - Highwayman (1956)
  • Dinner for Mr. Hemmingway (1956)
  • Eric Winstone's Stagecoach (1956)
  • Just for You (1956)
  • Moving In (1956)
  • Parade of the Bands (1956)
  • The Round Up (1956)
  • Women Without Men (1956)
  • X the Unknown (1956)
  • Clean Sweep (1957)
  • Quatermass 2 (1957)
  • The Abominable Snowman (1957)
  • The Curse of Frankenstein (1957)
  • ''The Steel Bayonet (1957)
  • A Man with a Dog (1958)
  • Dracula (1958)
  • Murder at Site 3 (1958)
  • Sunshine Holiday (1958)
  • The Camp on Blood Island (1958)
  • The Enchanted Island (1958)
  • The Revenge of Frankenstein (1958)
  • The Seven Wonders of Ireland (1958)
  • The Snorkel (1958)
  • Up the Creek (1958)
  • Further up the Creek (1958)
  • Danger List (1959)
  • Day of Grace (1959)
  • Don't Panic Chaps! (1959)
  • I Only Arsked! (1959)
  • Operation Universe (1959)
  • Ten Seconds to Hell (1959)
  • The Edmundo Ros Half Hour (1959)
  • The Hound of the Baskervilles (1959)
  • The Man Who Could Cheat Death (1959)
  • The Mummy (1959)
  • The Ugly Duckling (1959)
  • Ticket to Happiness (1959)
  • Ticket to Paradise (1959)
  • Yesterday's Enemy (1959)

1960ko hamarkada

[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]

1970eko hamarkada

[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]

Kanpo estekak

[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]